As a member of the College of the Royal Society of Canada (class of 2020), former Canada Research Chair in Green Chemistry (2007-17) and Science Communication Fellow (2011), I provide expertise to the media on a number of topics including Green Chemistry, Catalysis, Chemical Processes, Pollution, Women in Science and Science Popularization. Please contact me to know more. You may consult recent video appearances below, as well as press coverage.
A Dose of Science Webcast: Green Chemistry, April 2021
My Green Chemistry by ACS, July 2014
Video for CREATE in Green Chemistry, June 2013
Video shot at EDS forum, April 2012, AHM from minute 19:15 (in French)
Press Coverage
Participation to radio show “Les trentes ans des Années Lumière ” at Les années lumières, Sophie-Andrée Blondin, ICI Radio Canada, Sep. 29 2024
Interview in “Des ingénieurs créent un système pour capturer les « produits chimiques éternels » ” at Radio-Canada Colombie Britannique, Vancouver, Médias Régionaux de Radio-Canada, Monia Blanchet, Sep. 19 2024.
Interview on “La journée internationale des femmes et des filles en science” at Radio-Canada Colombie Britannique, Vancouver, Médias Régionaux de Radio-Canada, Feb. 10 2023.
Interview on “La journée internationale des femmes et des filles en science” at Radio-Canada Manitoba, Winnipeg, Médias Régionaux de Radio-Canada, Feb. 10 2023.
Research highlight in Québec Science, “Faire appel à la mécanique pour verdir la chimie”, Renaud Manuguerra-Gagné, Dec. 14 2022
Interview on “Éliminer les produits chimiques éternels” at Les années lumières, Sophie-Andrée Blondin, ICI Radio Canada, Aug. 26 2022.
Interview on “Initiatives Vertes: transformer des carapaces de crustacées” at Première Heure, Louise Boivert, ICI Radio Canada-Québec, Jun. 27 2022
Interview for l’Acadie Nouvelle, Justin Dupuis, “Question de science: Pourquoi le homard rougit-il à la cuisson?” May 6 2022.
Highlight in “Cahier Philanthropie”, Pierre Vallée, Le Devoir, Nov. 13 2021.
Interview on “Utiliser le soleil pour fabriquer du carburant à partir du CO2 dans l'atmosphère” at Les années lumières, Sophie-Andrée Blondin, ICI Radio Canada, Oct. 17 2021.
Interview on “Prix Nobel de chimie et la chimie verte” at Les années lumières, Sophie-Andrée Blondin, ICI Radio Canada, Oct. 10 2021.
Research highlight at Bien Entendu, “Plastique de carapaces de crevettes, crabes et homards”, Stéphan Bureau, ICI Radio Canada, Aug. 18 2021
Research highlight in Hakai Magazine, coastal science and society, “The Bright Side of the Green Crab”, Moira Donovan, May 13 2021
Chronicle on the Hubert Reeve Prize at Les années lumières, Chantal Srivastava, ICI Radio Canada, May 2 2021
A Dose of Science, Webcast, hosted by Joe Schwarz, “Green Chemistry”, Apr 29 2021
Webcast for “MADE by McGill”, Alumni Webcast, hosted by Derek Cassoff, “Why is sustainability research so challenging?”, Oct 1 2020.
Interview for the Gastropod podcast, co-hosted by Cynthia Graber and Nicola Twilley, “What the Shell? Cracking the Lobster’s Mysteries”, Aug 31 2020.
Interview on “Le nitrate d’ammonium en cause dans l’explosion au Liban” at Les années lumières, Sophie-Andrée Blondin, ICI Radio Canada, Aug. 9 2020.
Research highlight on Radio Canada Ontario Sudbury, Éric Robitaille, “Un avenir sans pollution de plastique”, Jul. 31 2020, 3.22pm
Research highlight in ILFScience website, Rachael Funnell, “Canada's Invasive "Supervillain" Crab To Be Turned Into Biodegradeable Plastic To Save Ecosystems”, Feb 18 2020.
Research highlight by News 95.7 (Halifax), “The Sheldon MacLeod Show 2pm”, Feb 19, 2020
Research highlight by CBC Nova Scotia News, Tom Murphy and Amy Smith, “CBC Nova Scotia News February 12, 2020”, Feb 12 2020 (29 min mark)
Research highlight by CBC Nova Scotia, Emma Smith, “Invasive green crab at Keji seaside could soon become biodegradable plastic”, Feb 11 2020
Research highlight by Parks Canada, Jamieson Findlay, “Bio-pest into bio-plastic”, Feb 6 2020
Research highlight in McGill News Alumni Magazine, Brenda Branswell, “The secret to biodegradable plastic is … lobster shells?”, Aug. 2019
Research highlight in Science News Magazine, Carmen Drahl, “Shell Game: transforming biodegradable seafood waste to cut down on plastic”, June 22, 2019
Research highlight in Journal de Montreal,Jean Balthazard “Du homard au plastique”, May 21 2019.
Research highlight on Bio Market Insight, Liz Gyekye,“The reinvention of bio-plastics: New kids on the block” , May 16 2019.
Research highlight on Radio Canada, Montreal QC, Home Run, Sue Smith, “The future of Green Chemistry”, May 7 2019.
Research highlight on ICI-Radio-Canada, Daniel Blanchette Pelletier, “Suremballer pour éviter de gaspiller?”, Avr. 27, 2019.
Research highlight on Chemical Institute of Canada News, Tim Lougheed, ““Soft” mechanochemistry offers new route to chitosan”, Feb. 2019
Research highlight on ICI-Radio-Canada, L'heure de pointe - Acadie, host: Martine Blanchard, “Des carcasses de homards transformées en plastique”, Jan. 8, 2019 (at 17:13).
Research highlight on The McGill Tribune, Farida Rahman, “Lobsters and crabs, here to save the oceans”, Jan. 29, 2019
Interview on “Émission spéciale sur les 150 ans du tableau périodique et ses éléments” at Les années lumières, Sophie-Andrée Blondin, ICI Radio Canada, Jan. 6 2019.
Research highlight on Bioplastics News, Axel Barrett, “Canadian Researchers Create Bioplastic from Lobster and Shrimp Shells”, Dec. 31 2018.
Research highlight on CTV News, Angela MacKenzie, “Montreal researchers create plastic from lobster, shrimp shells”, Dec. 29 2018.
Research highlight in the Portland Herald Press, Peter McGuire, “Researchers find new way to convert lobster shells into plastic, and it’s not too hard”, Dec. 8 2018.
Interview in À Gaspé aujourd’hui, Igor Nérisson, “Plastique biodégradable : les crustacés à la rescousse”, Télé-Gaspé, Dec. 3 2018
Interview in Au Coeur du Monde, Maude Rivard, “Faire du plastique avec des carapaces de crustacés” at Gaspé, Quebec, ICI Radio Canada, Nov. 28 2018 (at 17:18)
Research featured on multiple local radio shows of Radio Canada, including by AHM: Shift, New Brunswick, host: Vanessa Vander Valk, Nov. 27 2018; Airplay, Whitehorse, Yukon, host: Dave White, Nov. 27 2018; Radio West, Kelowna, Host: Sarah Penton, Nov. 27 2018; All Points West, Victoria, host: Robyn Burns, Nov. 27 2018; Home Run, Montreal, host: Sue Smith, Nov. 27 2018; Afternoon Edition, Saskatchewan, host: Garth Materie, Nov. 27 2018; Homestretch, Calgary, host: Doug Dirks, Nov. 27 2018; Afternoon Drive, London, host: Chris dela Torre, Nov. 27 2018, On The Coast, Vancouver, host: Gloria Macarenko, Nov 27 2018.
& by group member Thomas Di Nardo: On the Go, St John, host: Ted Blades, Nov. 27 2018; Here and Now, Toronto, host: Gill Deacon, Nov. 27 2018; Mainstreet, Halifax, host: Bob Murphy, Nov. 27 2018; All in a Day, Ottawa, host: Alan Neal, Nov. 27 2018; Up to Speed, Winnipeg, Ismaila Alfa, Nov 27 2018; Breakaway, Quebec City, host: Saroja Coelho, Nov. 27 2018; Up North, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, host: Wab Rice, Nov 27 2018; Radio Active, Edmondton, host: Adrienne Pan, Nov. 27 2018.
Research highlight in, Steve Rukavina, McGill researchers use lobster shells to make biodegradeable plastic, Nov. 27 2018
Interview “Fabriquer des sacs de plastique biodégradables en poudre de crustacés” at L’Heure de l’Est, Richard Daigle, Rimousky, Quebec, ICI Radio Canada, Nov. 26 2018 (at 17:36)
Interview at Salut Bonjour, Gino Chouinard, TVA, Épisode du 26 novembre 2018, Nov. 26 2018 (from hour 1:45)
Research highlight in Le Devoir, Des crustacés pour faire du plastique, Nov. 26 2018
Invited expert on a the show “Speciale Plastiques” at Les années lumières, Sophie-Andrée Blondin, ICI Radio Canada, Oct. 28 2018 (from 13:06 onwards)
Interview on “Prix Nobel de chimie 2018 : la sélection naturelle en accéléré” at Les années lumières, Sophie-Andrée Blondin, ICI Radio Canada, Oct. 7 2018.
Feature Article in Scitech Europa, Green chemistry – challenges and opportunities, June 2018
Interview article in the Daily Beast on Green Chemistry and pharma, by Nicole Wetsman, July 20 2018
Feature article in McGill News on the McGill Sustainability Systems Initiative (MSSI), June 2018.
Consultation in Chemistry World, Katrina Krämer, “Ice cubes melt to make single atom metals” Feb. 18 2018, Royal Chemical Society.
Research Highlight in, "Simple Synthesis of Bismuth Sulfide Nanoparticles", Sep. 18 2017.
News Feature in Nature, “Chemistry on the fast track”, Sep. 6 2016, XiaoZhi Lim, Nature, 537, 156-158. (English)
Mini series of 3 chronicles « La règle de 3 » at Les années lumières, Yanick Villedieu, ICI Radio Canada, Sep. 6, 13and 20 2015 (redif. Jun. 5, 12 and 19 2016)
Expert consultation on biodegradable plastics for L’épicerie (host: Johane Despins and Denis Gagné), ICI Radio-Canada-télé, "Composter à la maison", Nov. 25 2015.
Research highlight in Canada Paint and Coatings Association news publication Prime Time News, Lysane Lavoie, Aug. 31 2015.
Article in the McGill News Magazine, on green chemistry at McGill "Reinventing Chemistry, Mark Witten, Jun. 23 2015
Report in Les années lumières, Yanick Villedieu, Radio Canada, "Le biodégradable mis à sac", Mar. 29 2015
Article in the McGill Daily, Zapaer Alip, "A closer look at sustainability", Sep. 22 2014
Our article in Green Chemistry on clean hydrogenation was covered as a press release at McGill and RIKEN, in Chemistry World , in Science Daily, in the Canadian Chemical News.
Interview in Le Devoir, Nov. 2 2012, McGill - La chimie «verte» est la chimie de l’avenir
Article covering the workshop "Designing the next generation of sustainable chemicals" NIEHS November 2012 newsletter
Interview in the McGill Tribune, Oct 2 2012, "Audrey Moores: On a quest for Greener chemistry"
The first Business/Chemistry Graduate workshop (Sept 7,8 2012) co-created and co-organized by Prof. Steve Maguire from the Desautel Faculty of Management was in the news in the McGill Reporter and on the website Advancing Green Chemistry
Code Chastenay, Emission 107. Our magnetic nanoparticles were featured in "Devinez l'objet mystère", Mar. 27, 2012
Our Chem. Comm. article was covered on the website Green Car Congress
Agence Science Presse, Pascal Lapointe "L'année internationale de la chimie", Dec. 6, 2011
Les années lumières, Yanick Villedieu, Radio Canada, "Un dimanche avec Marie Curie", Dec. 4, 2011
Café Scientifique, Musée Arman-Frappier, Laval "La chimie a mauvaise presse : à raison ou à tort ?", Nov. 1, 2011
FQRNT magazine Génial, Oct. 2011.
Consultation on Complément d'enquête on France 2, broadcasted on Nov. 3 2011
Environnement Vôtre on CIBL Radio-Montreal, Feb. 2011
Participation in the documentary MAL’OCCHIO by Agata De Santis, Red Head Production, on the topic of mixing oil and water, Jun. 16, 2012 on CBC Television in Absolutely Canadian and Aug. 20, 2011 on CBC Television in CBC Montreal Presents (English).
Quebec Science magazine, "Vers une chimie plus verte" l'une des 10 découverte de l'année 2010 du Québec, Jan. 2011
Canal Savoir programme "McGill Making Headway, episode 5" Dec. 2009. Watch the video.
Expert consultation for Chatelaine Magazine on the "Usage of PERC in Dry Cleaning" May 2009
TV5 Canada programme "Club Social" in the "Labofever" section Oct. 2009
Télé-Québec programme "Une pilule, une petite granule" on the "Usage of PERC in Dry Cleaning" Feb. 2009
Expert consultation for the CTV Montreal News report on "Green Report: Dry Cleaners" Mar. 2008
Expert consultation for an article on Green Chemistry in the Green Living Magazine (UK) by Zoe Cromier, summer 2008
Expert consultation for an article on Green Chemistry in L'Usine Nouvelle Magazine (France) by Julie Cailliau, 2008